
Hi! I'm Kartik Tiwari

I am a master's student working on research that overlaps cosmology, spacetime physics and supercomputers (supported fully by Bonn-Cologne Graduate Scholarship). I also work part time at Lichtenberg Group for History and Philosophy of Physics.

My interests span from painting the sea to mapping maritime warfare strategies, from haikus about birds to deciphering ancient languages.

Click here to know more about my life and work
(or go straight to my CV!)

Contact Me!
Quickest way to reach me is through mail.

Email: krtk.twri [at] gmail.com

My Interests

Though I attempt to recklessly stretch myself across disciplines, my serious projects primarily fall within three domains.


Interested in computational cosmology (numerical relativity, magnetohydrodynamics, structure formation, etc.), mathematical general Relativity and Integrated Space Mission Design.


Interested in philosophy of space-time, formal logic (paraconsistency, metalogic, etc.) and its inadequacies, and frameworks for understanding consciousness.


Interested in understanding and seeking beauty in all its forms and experiencing a wide spectrum of the human condition. I play indo-jazz guitar and dabble in visual and literary arts